“Miss Saigon” is a popular musical that premiered in 1989, written by Claude-Michel Schönberg and Alain Boublil, with lyrics by Boublil and Richard Maltby Jr. It is inspired by Giacomo Puccini’s opera “Madame Butterfly” and tells a tragic love story…
Face Masks in Vienna No Longer Mandatory in Public Areas : What are the Rules
As things come to ease, Europe is not requiring face masks in many instances. “Face masks will no longer need to be mandatory in air travel in all cases, broadly aligning with the changing requirements of national authorities across…
15 + Different Housing Options in Vienna
Vienna is the greenest city in the world, says Resonance consultancy as they find out which cities are leading the way towards a greener future for 2020’s Earth Day (50th Anniversary). We agree and not just because there are a…
Matcha Komachi at Hoher Markt
We can now finally eat with friends without much of a worry, and so we’re trying out the restaurants we’ve missed the past 2 years or so. We have often been to Matcha Komachi in Operngasse and we’ve always…
Vienna and Austria’s Response to the Ukraine-Russia Conflict
Update: May 6, 2022- The Austrian government collected almost €42 million in donations from citizens for its financial support for Ukraine. The donation drive termed “Neighbour in need” gathered €41.9 million – doubling the government’s foreign catastrophe fund. — Austria…
Ice Skating With Friends
*Updated February 19,2022 Vienna offers a wide range of activities and attractions for kids during the winter season. Here are some options to keep kids entertained and engaged: Indoor Play Centers: There are numerous indoor play centers in Vienna where…